At Sage West Boutique we are passionate about small business and community. We started this business in 2020 in hopes of bringing western fashion more to life in Canada, and creating awareness about what it means to be a woman in agriculture. While starting our business we ran into many obstacles on the journey- all of which have been amazing learning experiences. We know that some business resources are not easily found or available to everyone, which is why we hope to share some tips and tricks. We are by no means experts and are constantly learning, but we think what we have learned up to this point can be really helpful for a starting entrepreneur. We hope to give back in order to help other young women like us who have big business dreams!

Each year Sage West Boutique gives back to women who are either starting a business or want to scale up a previous business. Preference goes to women who are either in a rural setting or have connections to the agricultural lifestyle. This business can be in any industry and any idea is considered. 


A portion of all sales are combined and paid out to the successful applicant each year. The amount given is based on sales and volume. The successful applicant will also receive a “handbook” of the things we’ve learned and tips and tricks of the business world. 


Please include the following information into a google/word document: (2-5 pages)

  • Your name, address, and backstory about your life
  • Your business idea including why you want to start the business (or if scaling up a business include why)
  • The logistics (funding, product, place, customer, etc.) **just include as much as you can about the management/planning side of the business
  • Things you have questions about or want to know about starting your business/scaling up your business
  • Any other information you want to include (you can include images if you would like)

Please Email to us in PDF format at, name the subject line: “Women Entrepreneur Incentive Application”. 


December 1st, 2022 at 11:59 PM CST.

**You can apply any time throughout the year!

Winner will be announced December 31st, 2022.

If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact us at or text/call 306-299-7002. 

We look forward to your application!